Tuesday, May 19, 2009

How to Make Your Own Capri Sun Bag

As mentioned in the DIY Capri Sun post, billions of juice packets are thrown away into landfill. Of course that number can be reduced by not drinking juice packets, but another way is to make useful things out of the juice packets. Since Capri Sun bags are sturdy, waterproof, and sewable I decided to make a bag out of them. 

You will need:
25 Capri Sun bags for this particular model
Sewing Machine
Start but cutting a slit in the bottom of each Capri Sun bag and rinsing out the inside with soap and water.
After letting the bags dry, flatten them out and tape two together.
Next sew the two bags together.
Make two rectangles of 2x3 capri sun packets and two rectangles of 1x2 capri sun packets.
Also make a 1x3 of about half the length of the capri sun bags for the bottom.
Fold up the sides and sew along the edges.
For the handles I folded capri sun bags in half and sewed three of them together. 

And now you have a Capri Sun bag.

1 comment:

  1. I used to drink sooo much capri sun as a kid, i could have made a suitcase with all of them. If i carried a purse around, it would definitely be made of capri sun containers, cool blog dogg!
